Our Winery
Le Mesteghe
Equilibrium and passion are fundamental in our work. The key to obtain a perfect wine is to under-stand the time and the method that every vine variety requires, and this comes only with the experi-ence and, of course, with an high quality fruit.
The secret of our white wine “base spumante” is the must temperature, which is set to obtain a clearer product and a regular fermentation. In this way, the wine is perfect for a further autoclave fermentation which let us have a quality sparkling wine.

The typical fruit of our land is for sure the red berries grape, from which we get red and rosè wines.
The red wine-making is characterized by the must fermentation that takes place with the skin grape in it: this method helps us to obtain that beautiful and intense red-ruby colour.
Of course, the higher the quality of the grape is the best wine is obtained. We are really proud of this type of vinification as we own automatic wine-makers that let us to rack using hydraulic blades an to set constantly the assemblies (it is to say the phase when must and the vinasse are mixed to-gether to extract the colour, the taste and the aroma).
Rosè: A Quality Recipe

Thanks to the particular blend of grapes that is obtained mixing different musts extracted from our red grapes with a “white wine-making” procedure we can proudly say that our Le Mesteghe Rosè wine is a product of guaranteed quality. The quantity and the quality of the must is reasoned every year according to the evolution of the seasons. Nevertheless, the results are always fabulous, insomuch as they make the most skeptic per-son love this particular type of wine.

Technical data sheet
HARVEST CARRIAGE: Stainless steel, automated with exhaust sensors, hydraulic lift and auger for soft pressing. BUCKET FOR GRAPE COLLECTION:Stainless steel, hydraulic bucket for collecting hand-harvested grapes, capacity about 6 ql. COLLECTION TANK:Stainless steel, tank IMMA Mod. TR, capacity 100ql, with variable-speed auger for soft pressing. CONVEYOR BELT:Soft handling of grapes (both whole and destemmed) and marc, white PVC food belt, structure entirely in stainless steel. CRUSHER - DESTEMMER: DIEMME, Mod. Kappa 50 for soft pressing. PRESS: DIEMME diaphragm for soft squeezing AR 34; BUCHER-VASLIN diaphragm for soft squeezing RPF 30. HEAT EXCHANGER: Stainless steel pipe, length 36 meters, diameter din. 70. MONO PUMP: DIEMME rotary; BCM rotary.
STORAGE TANKS: Of various sizes (from 5 to 100 hl) in stainless steel, computerized refrigeration system. FERMENTERS FOR RED WINE PROCESSING: 150 hl capacity in stainless steel, with internal computerized replacement pump, sprayer with variable speed and curve and automatic pause. Automatic extraction of marc. Computerized double refrigerating pocket. OAK BARRELS: Tonneaux tanks in Slavonian oak for aging wine. REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS: No.1 production 75,000 refrigeration units, connected to the tanks through a computer, programming "Cavina automazioni" with temperature chart of last 24 hours and 7 days, setpoint and differential of warning temperature connected by phone. No. 2 maintenance system of 10,000 refrigeration units for autoclaves and tartaric stabilization. VACUUM-SEALING FILTER: ENOIMPIANTI Enofilter - V Mod. 3 FLOUR FILTER: ENOIMPIANTI Enofilter - P Mod. 6. 6-sqm filter with horizontal plates. MISCELLANEOUS: Stainless steel conveyor belt for marc and collection tank for marc.